This is a scratchcard/gacha-style event where you buy one ticket for USD $6 and are guaranteed one of the items. In order from most common to rarest:
E prize: Vertical tin button badge of manga volume covers, 77x51mm
D prize: Small postcard, 13.5x12cm
C prize: Clear file folder, A4 size
B prize: Big acrylic stand, ~19x12cm
A prize: Big tablecloth/tapestry, 103x73cm
W prize: Big tablecloth/tapestry with Barasui’s signature, 103x73cm
Let me know how many entries you want to buy and I will buy + scratch them off in order, evenly distributed over any of the remaining periods to maximize your chances of winning the W prize.
I will cover/pay for the domestic shipping fee ($15), and items will be delivered to me in Japan in late January to early February. I’ll then pack, weigh & ship your items to you!